Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pain In Back Area Above The Waist Left Side?

"The Appearance. The tragedy His first act

sake you should understand before you Albis movie novelization read the whole story.

place of the piece is the McDonald's Give the gold and silver from the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd Rems, some time in the 21 Century AD, one evening.


The principal boy:





The second group of noble boys, Alfred and three other
The Libertines:
robber A
robbers B
robbers C

(McDonald's inn, which take noble boy, spread over three tables, their proper Vesper to talk to Albert and Alexander about their future livelihood, Matthew is sitting next to it and. listens)
Albrecht: Yes gaze müssma containing ma How can we manage to make because of the financial crisis can not guarantee me that they take us, because I have not taken vacation days already.
Alexander (pondering) : Yes ... Yes I said stupid table support always get there ... Then I have to always extra for Heubach and so ...
Albrecht: Hmm ...
Alexander: Or I could the whole time to stay at someone in Heubach, but that would be ...
Albrecht (sheer cognitions a wooden stick in the middle of breaking) : Age! Yes, the manner it yet, then pennsch just me!

(The Libertines, strong odor of alcohol enter the scene with jugs and cups. A robber, Ottoman Origin looks Albrecht challenging in the face, but Albert can smile about this Provokaion most)
Alexander: Kennsch the right?
Albrecht (grin, shakes his head)
Alexander: What has the up then looked like this?
Albrecht: No plan, because I'm the be Hambrug angekuckt.

(predator A is suddenly from his seat and joins the distinguished boys Michael, Harald and Georgius.)
robber A: Hey, I've heard anyone here has talked about what the Turks ... That came from the direction. What did you talk about Turks?
(The principal boy confused because they can not remember to have to entertain Ottoman) : Yes nee ...
(Albrecht gets up and joins them in order to secure the position)
Albrecht: there's n problem or something?
robber A: What do you Willsch?
(Alexander gets up and joins them to save Albrecht)
Alexander: Is there or stress?
(predator B, possibly a minor, of Teutonic look, but with a distinctive Ottoman accented by a downright ridiculous appearance, joins them)
robbers B (to Albert) Eh what manner going on here? Do you want to stress oda was?
Albrecht: Yes who comes to my buddy, I just want to know what's at stake.
robber A: Eastern've only heard that someone was talking about Turks.
(Albrecht is looking at predator B and breaks out laughing)
robbers B: Eh lachsch what now?
Albrecht (laughing) : I laugh at your appearance how you look.
(predator B Albrecht added an aggressive shove intentioned, Albrecht still laughing. Robbers C and Alexander go to predator B to save it. The other principal boys are preparing for a showdown ago, Alfred pulls out his iron armor)
robber A: Eh sit go there dude. Table on which Turks have only heard here from that direction.
Albrecht: Well, if you hear something about the Turks, will it matter what negative ?
robbers B: Hey what bisch for nationality?
Albrecht (grin) : German.
robbers B: For a German redesch but pretty good.
(. Albrecht is confused whether this mindless statement robbers B goes to his place)
robbers B: German shit dude!
(predator B can bare his hatred against the Germans not holding back)
(The curtain falls)

was very entertaining, the whole thing. I do not know how it looked at Albi, but for me has the "look" after a verbal confrontation or revenge. A day later he has become invisible and ambushed me when slipping on an ice chute in Hussenhofen and Albrecht-moderate pushed me, whereupon I am "face first" collided painfully with a stone wall. And even on Valentine's Day, the day of love. The guy has got her, not all.

If you also have come because what? I have hardly anything of " The Fall of Alexander Dalinger " posted already it bombing me enormously. I tried it once with" Alexander Dalinger is handsome and rich , hopefully works's.


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