Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hiv Testing Results For Meps

Paul IS dead

Mr. Weese is playing with the turntable: "Paaaaulisdead daaaaedsssssiluapppp ... ... ... ppppaulllisdeaaddd dddaaeeeeeddddddaeeedsiluap ..."

- Link 1 (the facts)
- Link 2 (the declaration of the award)

conspiracy theorists can paint the day in the calendar;)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Can Acute Hiv Cause Hives

Teigkneterinnen love and bread managers!

... here (CLICK!) there is a nice explanation (in English) about the origin of the words "Lord" (from the Old English "weard-hlaf") and "Lady" (from "hlæfdige) . The German Wikipedia has the information to the respective entries in our language. So no more reason to wonder if Mr. Weese a Sun respond;)

Southland Leisure Center Times 2010
