Monday, September 28, 2009

I Lost Fligt Simulator Cd Cd


The Mr. Weese has library supervision * and uses the opportunity for a first blog entry from the path - warmest greetings to all my "new" students who have already "lost" here (I could have not, of course, a little to advertise the blog in the hope that it motivates me even, another to write a little more often). I like to date are very good here, if you you a little strained, it stays that way;)
* Remember
and just a beautiful place in the Asterix comics, where it is important that the good of Caesar is said to have also always talked in the third person ... "He is great!" :)))

Friday, September 4, 2009

Lorna Morgan Posted On January 7th, 2010

I'm off ... WAY

It is likely strong that it is the word game is the oldest in connection with the Wolfram von Eschenbach Gymnasium is, but I will indeed not get paid for creativity;) After seeing it announced on the English blog already have, here again the message: The Lord Weese operates from the school year 2009/10 on Wolfram von Eschenbach Gymnasium in Schwabach, there remains the blog. Let's see which blog entries to my students inspire this high school musical - is so quiet lately become more here ...